There I was lying down on my bed staring at the celing. I would have liked to think I might solve some of the unresolved mysteries of the universe, simply by staring at that fan. Sadly, that never happens, does it ever?
So, as I was busy staring at the ceiling, there came that cute little spider from nowhere. Coming to think of it, that spider was not all that cute. You know, just spider-cute(now, don't give me that weird look!!). You might think, that spider inspired me in some way like the one inspired the King Robert. You don't remember that story? The King, the battle, the cave, the spider, the web... and the King goes back and fights his enemy to win the war. Yeah that one. So, back to the present; I was busy looking at the spider hoping it might inspire me in some way, at least to get back to the test preparations which I should have started aeons back. But what does it do? Heck!! It gets me thinking and thinking about... well, what was that about! Yeah! That how weird the language English is!! It seems full of gibberish. Before you think I have gone completely insane, let me explain. Well, promise you will stay with me till the end (Nope, I do not mean the end of the world but yeah, probably once you finish, it might be the end of you or me, if you know what I mean ;))
My mother tongue (how come there is no father tongue? 'Cos only a mother gets to speak? Weird!!) is Malayalam; which indeed is one of the sweetest languages I have ever known; bit nasal but sweet and sensible. Okie, Sensible? I'll tell you why. We call a spider an ettukaali which translates to an eight-legged thingie. So simple right and sensible of course. And how in the Heaven does the word "Spider" make any sense? English basically uses the root words and expands on it. What would the root word of Spider be then? Spi and Der? Means Spy and Der (which means Duh! I googled ;)) Which would means every spider is an alien spy!!
While I was busy thinking how would the alien spy be collecting information about us earthlings and passing it on the mother ship, there comes another alien spy (Okay!! I have got 2 spiders in my room.We co-exist, Big deal! ).So Alien.One was cautiously watching Alien.Two, probably with eyebrows raised and wondering, Hey what the heck are you doing on this side on the room; it is my territory. Seconds later,they were hugging. No..probably they were kissing and making up. Oh! Alien.Two probably was Alien.One's girlfriend. Oh! I get it. Oh yes! They are dancing now in a way that reminds me of some Naga Dance; but holding all their eight hands (and legs??) together.
Oh No!! They seem to be wrestling now. Yeah! Just like John Cena and Umaga in the WWF. Alien.One was running away from Alien.Two in such a rush as if it were his wife and had caught him red handed doing something which she had said was an absolute NO- NO and was coming to hit him with a broom or a log. So, what is the moral of the story? Listen to what she blabbers and don't screw up it with your wife, you moron!! God!! What kind of an idiot can't comprehend that! Err!
Was I stoned while blogging this post? What do you think, I haven't been asking that myself? Nope, I am not insane. My mother had me tested!
Picture Sources :Universe, Spider Pic1 & Pic2.